Saturday 13 June 2015

What is Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia is a neurological difference which affects the way we think, learn and do, many different things. it can also be defined as a form of developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) which is another commonly used name for dyspraxia.

as dyspraxia has previously been known as clumsy child syndrome it is most well known as being a difficulty with motor skills small and large (known as fine+gross respectively), this means that our bodies sometimes don't do what our brains want them too in the correct time so the name clumsy child syndrome could be a partial description of one of the aspects of dyspraxia however dyspraxia does not only affect children it can also affect adults although many adults may not know they have dyspraxia as they would have developed coping strategies for the aspects of their dyspraxia which affect their lives.
also dyspraxia does not only affect your co-ordination or physically it can also affect things such as perception, thought, sensitivity, speech and language. people who have dyspraxia or know dyspraxic people often know that we can think in different ways to others such as coming up with different solution to problems or different ways to solve problems.the speech and language difficulties often come from verbal or oral dyspraxia, with i believe verbal being not being able to get the correct words out or possibly stuttering whereas oral dyspraxia is caused by lack of control of the muscles required for movements of the mouth. another common trait of dyspraxia is difficulty with memory especially short term memory which is probably the reason we lose or forget things like keys and phones quite often.

dyspraxia also often appears alongside other difficulties such as dyslexia and dyscalcia as well as ADHD attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder.
also to make it clear dyspraxic people are all affected differently by their dyspraxia some people can have the physical difficulties and not the verbal or sensory other can be affected by many of the aspects of dyspraxia and some only affected by a small number of the aspects which means that no two dyspraxic people will ever be exactly the same or affected in exactly the same way

there are two links below for more info about dyspraxia
the first a link to google search page

the second the link to the dyspraxia foundation website which also has helpline contact detail for any support or advice that may be needed

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