this topic is quite a special one to me as a dyspraxic person that enjoys sport more than anything else and having done my dissertation at university on dyspraxia and sports (specifically sports participation).
having dyspraxia can make it difficult to participate in sport (or some sports) especially if you have major struggles with the co-ordination and motor skills however my guess would be that the biggest issue is more often than not the other people involved (if there are any) whether that be other players or even in some cases the teacher/coach all of which i think i've had issues with in the past i have just never shown it to those people having thought about it many times however i always try and ignore the other people as more often than not they don't understand the effects dyspraxia can have on sporting ability. when it comes to coaches and teachers especially it may be easier to explain the difficulties your dyspraxia may present whereas when it comes to other players they will not necessarily need to know but in all situations it is your decision about whether to tell any of the other people potentially involved.
actually within the sport if there is any situation that you find difficult coach/teacher should be able to help in suggesting different ways of doing some things.
i often see/ hear that people who aren't the best at certain sports or part of a sport (generally football) end up being put in goal which im pretty sure is what happened to me but i ended up enjoying it and it can potentially solve the problem of being being picked last especially if you end up being the only one willing to go on goal but i most cases people don't like being forced to go in goal and you could just refuse to if you have the opportunity or you could try to organise so that after a set number of goals people swap their positions this could be something that all teacher and coaches could introduce to people still in the process of learning a particular sport.
in general though when it comes to participating sport or some form of physical activity is that there is something out there for everyone and it can be just a case of finding that one thing that you enjoy by trying them certain forms of physical activity can mix that individual aspect with a social aspect as well something like cycling or running you can do in a group or keep it very relaxed on your own. it may take a while to find the activity that you enjoy and in some cases you may find that activity but not like the other people involved and that is where you can either keep searching for somewhere else that provides that activity or use the advice above if applicable to help those people understand and help with any problems you may be having.
there are many different ways in which you can find out about different sports and physical activities in your area such as (the national governing body of sport in England) your local sports centre may be able to help if you know the sport that you want then looking at the national governing body of that sport so the FA in engalnd for football, EHA for Handball etc. they should have links to all registered clubs in the country so you should be able to find a range of them in your area if your at university there should be somewhere that you can find all if the clubs associated with that uni in some cases university clubs also allow non students to play for them as well. so there aee alot of option out there if you just want to try a new sport or activity dont be afraid to even if you dont think you will be any good at it you might surprise yourself.
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