Saturday, 14 October 2017

Social Media and dyspraxia

i have recently written a couple of blogs on celebrities that have dyspraxia and the coverage of dyspraxia in the (traditional) media so in this blog i thought i would talk about social media and the role that does and can have for support or increased understanding and awareness of dyspraxia.
there are quite a few different formats/channels of social media available aswell and this creates a lot of options.
for instance there are a few different people who do blogs and videos which tend to provide information with personal experiences which in my view helps to showcase that dyspraxia can have such a varied affect and you can find many of these via this link from the dyspraxia foundation  as well as seeing them shared around social media pages, groups etc.
talking about pages and groups, there are a wide range of differing groups on facebook that can help people to offer support or advice aswell as seek that help and these groups can be targeted to certain groups (Peers) of people such as groups for adults, youths and even parents as well as groups that are all inclusive.
and not forgetting that social media is a great tool for sharing upcoming events or related 'activities' helping to give you a wider audience to promote too.
social media as a tool can be very good and helps many people alot but the advice you seek through social media groups etc. is personal experiences, opinions etc. and is not to replace seeking professional advice if needed. and obviously when communicating with others that you may have never met you need to be safe which the dyspraxia foundation youth website has a full page on that with links to other organisation which you can see here. (good advice for all not just youth)

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Famous people who have dyspraxia

there are some people in the public eye that have dyspraxia and sometimes talk about it in interviews and having someone to look up to who is similar to you can be incredibly supportive for people
Image result for jamie lambert dyspraxia
to start with the dyspraxia foundations celebrity patron Jamie Lambert a singer from the band Collabro who won britains got talent in 2014 and jamie has spoken in public about how dyspraxia affects him and when he became the patron of the dyspraxia foundation he's mum wrote a blog on dyspraxia as a parent which you can see here

Image result for florence welch
florence welch is a singer known from the band florence and the machine and she has dyslexia as well as dyspraxia and has talked about it and in an article on she mentioned that dyspraxia has helped her with being in a creative industry.

David Bailey at East End exhibition opening.jpg
Image result for cara delevingnedavid bailey is a well known photographer who also has dyspraxia although there arent really any articles of him talking about it there is a bit from his wife again suggesting the creativity side of dyspraxia being a positive thing that may help people so they dont focus on the negatives.

Cara delevigne model and actress has fairly recently spoken about having dyspraxia (it was mentioned in an article in vogue) and i think there is something about her when she does interviews that when you know she has dyspraxia you can notice.

perhaps the most well known dyspraxic is Daniel Radcliffe the actor who played harry potter and i can remember dyspraxia being mentioned around the 3rd film prisoner of azkaban i think on an extras disc where he mentions he always struggled with school and has difficulty with shoelaces i also remember an interview towards the end of the films in which he said that he is always breaking the wands. and he also gave some advice in an interview which was to not let dyspraxia hold you back it didnt him for him.
Image result for dan radcliffeImage result for einstein dyspraxia
and finally albert einstein is thought to have had dyspraxia or possibly aspegers/autism and is perhaps why he excelled so much in one area of science.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Dyspraxia in the Media

this blog is about the coverage of dyspraxia in the media specifically traditional media such as newspaper, television and radio perhaps even some internet coverage aswell.
any media coverage of Dyspraxia or any other neuro/hidden disabilities in general seems to be quite rare although recently there has been an increase of media coverage of some hidden disabilities mostly the more well known ones such as autism and in the past i have seen some programmes on dyslexia and AD(H)D
this is not to say that dyspraxia does not fetaure in these forms of media media at all in fact recently (the last 2 or so years) there is some coverage as there has been a couple of newspaper artcles which i will link to at the bottom of this post and some features through radio and online comedy which you can see here
unlike some other hidden conditions dyspraxia has as far as im aware never had a trelvision programme speccifically for increasing the understanding and awareness however dyspraxia has appeared or been a part of a couple of television programmes one of which is (young) childrens show tree fu tom that tries to encourage activity and improve motor skills whilst watching television you can read more about it in these two links below
and something that perhaps more would have seen was lofty a character played by lee mead in casualty and now holby city (BBC shows) was that in an episode of casualty there is a mention that lofty may have dyspraxia however after that one scene in one episode it was never mentioned afterwards.
links to as many articles about or featuring dyspraxia as i can from the last few years.